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Pages in category "Hellenistic-Jewish Studies--1850s"
The following 38 pages are in this category, out of 38 total.
- Vetus Testamentum Graece juxta LXX interpretes, 1st ed. (Septuagint / 1850 Tischendorf), book
- Die sibyllinischen Weissagungen (1852 Friedlieb), book
- (++) The Works of Philo Judaeus (1854-1855 Yonge), book
- Vetus Testamentum Graece juxta LXX interpretes, 2nd ed. (Septuagint / 1856 Tischendorf), book
- Das zweite, dritte und vierte Buch der Maccabäer (1857 Grimm), book
- He Palaia kai he Kaine Diatheke = Vetus et Novum Testamentum (1857 Mai, Vercellone), book
- קדמות היהודים נגד אפיון (Ḳadmut ha-Yehudim neged Apyon) (Against Apion / 1858 @1566 Shullam), book (repr.)
- Das Buch der Weisheit (1860 Grimm), book
- Vetus Testamentum Graece juxta LXX interpretes, 3rd ed. (Septuagint / 1860 Tischendorf), book
- Philo, Strauss und Renan und das Urchristentum (1864 Bauer), book
- Philon d'Alexandrie: Écrits historiques (1867 Delaunay), book
- Geschichte der biblischen Literatur und des jüdisch-hellenistischen Schriftthums (1867-70 Fürst), book
- Hin þriðja Makkabeabók (The Third Book of Maccabees / 1869 Sívertsen), book
- Vetus Testamentum Graece juxta LXX interpretes, 4th ed. (Septuagint / 1869 Tischendorf), book
- Das Buch der Weisheit (1874 Gutberlet), book
- Philo von Alexandria als Ausleger des Alten Testaments (Philo of Alexandria as an Expositor of the Old Testament / 1875 Siegfried), book
- Vetus Testamentum Graece juxta LXX interpretes, 5th ed. (Septuagint / 1875 Tischendorf), book
- La doctrine du logos chez Philon d'Alexandrie (1876 Soulier), book
- Philo und die Halacha (1879 Ritter), book
- Uber den Aristeasbrief (1880 Papageorgios), book
- Vetus Testamentum Graece juxta LXX interpretes, 6th ed. (Septuagint / 1880 Tischendorf / Nestle), book
- The Book of Wisdom (1881 Deane), book
- Sopra Filone Alessandrino e il suo libro detto La sapienza di Salomone (1883 Perez), book
- Die jüdischen Proselyten im Römerreiche unter den Kaisern Domitian, Nerva, Trajan und Hadrian (1884 Graetz), book
- The Teaching of the Apostles and the Sibylline Books (1885 Harris), book
- The Christian Platonists of Alexandria (1886 Bigg), book
- Fabula Josephi et Asenethae apocrypha e libro syriaco latine versa (1886 Oppenheim), book
- The Old Testament in Greek according to the Septuagint (1887-94 Swete), book
- Vetus Testamentum Graece juxta LXX interpretes, 7th ed. (Septuagint / 1887 Tischendorf / Nestle), book
- Philo Judaeus; or, The Jewish-Alexandrian Philosophy in Its Development and Completion (1888 Drummond), book
- Gli Ebrei sotto la dominazione romana (1888-1897 Manfrin), book
- Das Verhältnis der paulinischen Schriften zur Sapientia Salamonis (1892 Grafe), book
- The Fourth Book of Maccabees and Kindred Documents in Syriac (1895 Bensly/Barnes), book
- Philonis Alexandrini opera quae supersunt (1896-1930 Cohn/Wendland), book
- A Concordance to the Septuagint (1897 Hatch, Redpath), book
- Aristeae quae fertur ad Philocratem epistulae initium (1897 Mendelssohn), book
- Philon le Juif: essai sur l'école juive d'Alexandrie (1898 Herriot), book