(++) Gutenberg Bible (1452-1455 Gutenberg), edited volume

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Gutenberg Bible (1452-1455) is a volume edited by Johannes Gutenberg.


The first printed edition of the Bible published the Latin text of the Vulgate (including the OT Apocrypha).

In the 1440s Johannes Gutenberg had perfected a method of printing from movable type, which allowed for the first time the mass production of printed books. The publication of the Bible was Gutenberg's first major enterprise in collaboration with his assistant Peter Schöffer.

It is believed that in total 180 copies of the Bible were produced (135 on paper and 45 on vellum). Less than 50 copies survive, now preserved in libraries in Europe, United States, and Japan.

Editions and translations

Published in Mainz, Germany: Gutenberg, 1452-1455.

Table of contents

External links